Journal Details

  • Journal of Management of Roraima

    Publisher Universidade Federal de Roraima
    E-ISSN 2237-8057
    Print ISSN 2237-8057
    Chief Editor Emerson Clayton Arantes
    Contact email
    Address Universidade Federal de Roraima (UFRR) Departamento de Administração do Centro de Ciências Administrativas e Econômicas(CADECON) Revista de Administração de Roraima (RARR) Avenida Capitão Ene Garcez, 2413 - Campus do Paricarana Bloco do II- CADECON - Bairro Aeroporto Boa Vista - Roraima/RR CEP.: 69.304-000
    Country Brazil
    Impact Factor Or Status Awaiting
    Journal Description

    Journal of Management of Roraima is a biannualy journal in the online format of the Department of Administration of the Center for Economic and Administrative Sciences of the Federal University of Roraima Which AIMS to Contribute to the diffusion of knowledge about management and related areas. The RARR pursues the best editorial practices of scientific journals in Brazil , from the exposed Editorial Policy settings . More precise definitions of the mission , scope and structure of the magazine can be found in the text of Editorial Policy , in this site . The RARR operates on the Open Journal System ( OJS ) platform , better known in the Brazilian scientific community as Electronic System for Journal Publishing - SEER. Its mission is to disclose unpublished and original scientific articles, essays, reviews, research communications, management studies and experiments that address relevant topics in the areas of management, involving studies in the areas of Administration, Accounting, Economics, Executive Secretary, Public Management, among other of Applied Social Sciences. So studies from scientific initiation, completion of course work, both undergraduate as specialization, dissertations and theses will be accepted

    Journal Language

    Portuguese, English e Spanish

    Accessibility Type (Free/Paid)


    Area of Specialization


    Starting Year of the Journal


    Online Availability (Yes/No)


    Content Accessibility (Full Text/Abstract/ Table of Content)

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