Journal Details

  • Radio Electronics, Computer Science, Control

    Publisher Zaporizhzhia National Technical University
    E-ISSN 2313-688X
    Print ISSN 1607-3274
    Chief Editor Valentin Pogosov
    Contact email
    Address Sergey Subbotin, Deputy Editor in Chief
    Country Ukraine
    Impact Factor Or Status Awaiting
    Journal Description

    The scientific journal «Radio Electronics, Computer Science, Control» has been published since 1999 by Zaporizhzhia National Technical University twice per year. Articles published and peer-reviewed free of charge. The fee for publication and peer review is not paid. Journal provides policy of free of charge on-line access for full-text publications. The journal scope includes, but is not limited to: radio physics, micro-, nano- and radio electronics, computer hardware and software, computer networks and telecommunications, algorithm and programming theory, optimization and operations research, machine-machine and man-machine interfacing, mathematical modeling and computer simulation, data and signal processing, artificial intelligence, including knowledge-based and expert systems, data mining, pattern recognition, artificial neural and neuro-fuzzy networks, fuzzy logics, swarm intelligence and multiagent systems, hybrid systems.

    Journal Language

    English, Russian, Ukrainian

    Accessibility Type (Free/Paid)


    Area of Specialization

    Radio Electronics, Computer Science, Control

    Starting Year of the Journal


    Online Availability (Yes/No)


    Content Accessibility (Full Text/Abstract/ Table of Content)

    Full Text